It's been about 15 days since support raising began. For sure, the first week was rough. A discouragement, actually. After coming back from Pittsburgh for training, I was more than deteremined to start making phone calls and rebuild relationships that God wanted me to. Discouragement gradually started to build in as several of the appointment got cancelled and didn't work out as I planned. At one point, I remember thinking to myself, "Does this really have to be this hard?" A part of me wanted to take a long break, but a bigger part of me knew that this was part of the journey. It was then when I heard this song called Give Me Faith by Elevation Worship. These words deeply touched me:
"I need You to soften my heart, to break me apart. I need You to open my eyes, and see that You're shaping my life. All I am, I surrender. Give me faith to trust what you say..."
2 weeks in this journey, this stretched me prayerfully, and God started to be very gracious to me. He heard my prayers and opened the hearts of others. He did more than I asked for. A person I've never met committed to give monthly through one of my partners.
So, Lord, break me apart and help me to see this journey as a time to faithfully and prayerfully trust You.