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Be a Goer

Interested in Being a Goer

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Take the First Step

Wondering what it'd look like for YOU to be a Goer?  Does it seem like there's too many obstacles?  Fill out an inquiry form and one of our coaches will reach out to set up a Zoom call.  These calls are fun and no pressure.  You’ll learn about how the process of moving overseas actually works, and you’ll walk away with three handpicked placements that fit your training and interests that you can consider as options for you as your next step.

All Majors to All Nations

Missions was never intended for only the spiritually elite or social misfits. God’s mission is for all Christians. And recent grads are uniquely positioned with the skills and availability to join God’s work through a two-year vocational, mentor-led global placement.

Reasons to be a Goer

Tithe Your Career

Being a Goer is like tithing your career…  You are offering two years of your time and skill-sets, and He is trustworthy to receive it!

Real Job Experience

It’s the old catch-22… you need experience to get a job but you need a job to get experience.   Be a Goer and you’ll learn a new language and get great work experience that will set you apart.

Get a Mentor

All Goers are invested in by someone who’s a decade or more ahead of you and has a high value in bringing up the next generation.

Go When You Are Most Mobile

The first years after college is when you’re the most mobile you’ll ever be… no kids, no mortgage and not in the middle of your career.  This is the time to take risks and explore your world!

Join God's Global Work

Being a Goer offers you the opportunity to join God’s mission of redeeming all peoples, in a way that fits your specific skill-set and giftings.

$5,000 Loan Forgiveness 

All Goers with student loans are eligible for a $5,000 payment to the principle of their student loans at the completion of their two years

Watch Our Video

This GoCorps 101 Video summarizes the why, what and how of GoCorps.

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