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Since 2009, over 300 recent grads of all majors have served in over 50 nations through GoCorps placements. We call them Goers! Our hope is that these reviews and reflections will inspire you to consider how you might connect your major to God’s mission through a two-year GoCorps placement.



Nutrition Major
Medical Track, Nicaragua

Going overseas through GoCorps is a great way to commit to something God calls of us for a short time and gives you the opportunity to see if you'd like to do it longer! I found the support raising model and the tools they provide in training very helpful. They help you see that fundraising for your salary is not scary and a way that God can show you his faithfulness to you. I have grown so, so much in the last two years while serving with GoCorps! I think moving to a new place, let alone internationally, will most definitely shape you. I have grown in leadership, learned to be more peaceful through difficult situations, relied on God for strength, become a better problem solver and my husband and I are closer than before as well. It's not without many difficulties, but this decision has been very worth it. (May 2024)


International Relations Major
Compassion-Justice Track, Middle East

I always knew that I wanted to be an international worker, but I did not know where. GoCorps was the best help I could have as to clarifying options that aligned with my interests, passions, and talents. I heard the voice of God telling me to go, but GoCorps was a major part in learning what was even available to me. I could not be more grateful for how GoCorps helped me arrive at the place I'm in. I met my soon-to-be wife in the country in which I serve, I plan to serve the Lord in this context forever, and I am surrounded by a community that reflects the love of the Father. (Apr. 2024)


Social Work Major
Compassion - Justice track, Southeast Asia

GoCorps provided me with all the proper support raising training, coaching, and resource materials that I needed. I felt like I could boldy take on support raising and the mindset went from something I had to do to it [support raising] being a blessing to partake in. (Mar. 2024)


Civil Engineering Major
Engineering - IT Track, Southeast Asia

The GoCorps process was helpful to me because I knew that I wanted to work professionally overseas, but spiritual mentorship was also very important to me. Through GoCorps, I was able to learn about options all around the world from various organizations, and I ended up going with an org that I hadn't ever heard of before! The one-on-one coaching helped me narrow down my options, and the coaches provided insights to help me understand what each placement might be like. They also helped me gain a better understanding of support raising and helped me to see that it is actually a blessing rather than a burden! (Feb. 2024)


Nursing Major
Medical Track, Bulgaria

I say... DO IT! Living overseas is an extremely stretching yet rewarding experience. You learn to function in a place and with people that are different than you and that in itself is a huge skill to know how to do that well. It's a long time away from family but challenges you in intentionality with those that you hold dear. The space will not break your closest relationships but maybe it will make them even stronger! it did for me :) GoCorps did a great job in setting me up well to support raise and come out the other end encouraged. GoWeek was also so encouraging to be around and hear the stories of others that may so nearly reflect your own. This experience taught me more about grace and humility. It exposed my pride and then forced me into Jesus's arms in my uncomfortability time and time again. And what's wonderful is that God used it all, all my shortcomings, my struggles, and floppy attempts as well as the times where my skills were being used and displayed. It is all used, none of it wasted, for His Glory! Whoof, that's a load off for sure. (Jan. 2024)


Business Entrepreneurship Major
Compassion/Justice Track, Middle East

My time overseas has been such a rich experience. Through witnessing injustice and brokenness day in and day out I was faced with the reality and weight of sin. I am so much more aware of the need and goodness of the Gospel. It truly is good news! And we are commanded to share with those who have no hope and are in the dark. Personally, I grew in my dependence on the Lord for strength every day; I understood more fully how I am finite. Moving overseas shortly after graduation also enabled me to grow in professionalism as I was independent in my responsibilities. Finally, I grew in understanding of what it means to trust God with my life and the lives of those I care deeply about. He sees them! And is an all-knowing, sufficient, loving Father. (Dec. 2023)


Criminal Justice Major
Sports Track, Middle East

I entered the mission field as a young man with big ideas and little (no) experience. GoCorps came alongside and paired me with a long-term missionary, and the two years that followed tested and tried me in ways that I never expected. My time in the field was life changing, and I would not trade it for anything. After serving overseas, I joined GoCorps to put the lessons learned to use supporting others as they took the leap to say yes to God and see where He leads them! Though I no longer work in ministry, I am still using the lessons learned by serving overseas to witness to friends and coworkers from all walks of life. Saying yes to two years will lead to some of the hardest and greatest experiences you could ever imagine! (Dec. 2023)


Music and Worship Major
Media - Communications Track, Central Asia

I am so thankful that I got connected with GoCorps! They made narrowing down the vast pool of teams and organizations so much easier. The staff at GoCorps truly care about their Goers and are committed to partnering with us. I've thoroughly loved my time overseas and I wouldn't have found this team if it wasn't for them. Even if there's a little part of you that thinks "maybe I could do this," I'd highly encourage you to go for it! Who knows what doors God will open when you say yes? (Oct. 2023)


Petroleum Engineering Major
Business Track, Bulgaria

I initially discovered GoCorps at a winter missions conference. I had recently graduated from UT Austin in Petroleum Engineering but was considering various options for what was next post graduation. GoCorps fit the need of combining my interest in sports/business with missions. 

I ended up choosing a business placement in Eastern Europe. Now I am currently working part time at a local tech firm in sales/marketing while still getting to serve with the church and do ministry with kids in rural towns. GoCorps helped me to bridge my career/work interests with my passion for ministry and missions overseas and provides a great stepping stone for anyone looking to try out midterm missions. (Oct. 2023)

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