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>>Youth Reconciliation Worker

Just a short drive from Bulgaria’s Balkan Mountains you will find the little village of Tulovo. Made up of about 1,300 people, the population is evenly split between ethnic Bulgarians and Roma peoples. About 85% of the ethnic Bulgarians are culturally Bulgarian Orthodox, but most are only nominal adherents. Protestants make up only about one percent of the population. The need is great for people to show a practical faith in Jesus Christ, and then invite others to follow Him. In the Roma quarter is a small, unassuming building that is home to the Evangelical church, attended only by Roma. The church is seeing growth and is looking for a larger space in which to meet!

In the center of the village, you’ll find The Gathering Place, our ministry center. It is within this building where most of our meetings and ministries take place with gatherings going on most days of the week. God has put so many gifts into the young people here and there is a great need for people to help and support them in their development as believers and leaders. It is clear that God is at work in this community, particularly in the lives of the young people.

Much of our work currently is focused on supporting and encouraging growth in these young people in their spiritual lives as well as personal and leadership development. This looks like nurturing their visions for seeing God’s transformation in their community, observing, calling out, and giving them opportunities to use their spiritual gifts, and walking alongside them in pursuit of their dreams.

If you long to see young people take steps of faith as followers of Jesus, discover their gifts, step into their dreams, and share their talents and passions with the community, multiplying Christ followers even beyond Tulovo, this is the role for you!


A commitment to Christ and passion to share the ways of Jesus with others

A heart for young people

Some practical experience with mentoring/discipling youth

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