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Arts Placements

Share your artistic skills such as music, dance, photography, painting, and other art forms to develop impactful relationships.


>>Creative Artists

Our country is beautiful, with a rich Christian history, despite being 99% Muslim. The secular government means that there is freedom of religion and churches can operate, but the Muslim demographic…Read more

>>Music and Worship Coordinator

Just a short drive from Bulgaria’s Balkan Mountains you will find the village of Tulovo, situated on a main road between two larger cities. Made up of about 1,300 people, the population is evenly…Read more

Audio Engineer for House of Prayer

Central Asia
Have you ever wondered what would it be like to live in a modern-day book of Acts, to see people coming to Christ through dreams and visions and signs and wonders? Have you ever desired to tap into…Read more

Creative Arts Worker

Are you an Artist? Do you have a passion for empowering artists? Do you love to teach? Do you recognize the role art plays in community transformation? Athens is a city that juxtaposes bustling…Read more

Culinary Arts - Cook On Board Medical Ship

Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea is the land of the unexpected, the least explored country on Earth! It has 1,361 islands - 291 of which are inhabited - 800 known languages, and 7 million people. 84% of the…Read more

Ethnomusicologist - Musician

Our environment is a beautiful place with vibrant color and incredible sensory experiences in the foothills of the Himalayas. Our team has deep partnerships with locals in a variety of veins of…Read more

Multimedia Artist + Storyteller

The Multimedia Artist + Storyteller is a dynamic and innovative role that blends artistic creativity with compelling storytelling to capture the compelling love of God at work in the hearts of people…Read more

Visual and Creative Arts Outreach

With Germany located in the center of Europe and the expanding European Union, the capital city of Berlin plays a strategic role in the Eurasian continent and even world. This vibrant German city is…Read more

Worship Arts Leader

Mexico City is the largest city in Latin America, with approximately 21.2 million people in the entire metropolitan area. Accordingly, Mexico City is an important and strategic location for ministry…Read more

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