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>>Refugee Worker

Fleeing from war, oppression, and poverty, hundreds of thousands of people from the Middle East, Central Asia, and Africa risk their lives in the hopes of a reaching the West and a better tomorrow. The vast majority of these refugees pass through our city, which is the cultural and economic center of the intersection between the secular Western world and the Islamic Middle Eastern world. Not only are these refugees strangers in a foreign land without a voice, reputation, rights, identity, status, or home, but they are also oppressed, vulnerable, exploited, trapped in poverty, and invisible. In addition, many are Muslims who do not know Christ, have never heard the Gospel, and have never been exposed to the Scriptures or a genuine Christian. They are coming from countries most closed to the Gospel but as refugees, we find that many are remarkably open. It is during this unique openness that many have their first and only opportunity to hear the Gospel and experience wholeness and the fullness found in Christ.

We exist to develop a system of ministries to bring life to oppressed migrants in our city. Following the God who “brings deep darkness to light,” we willingly step into the dark places of the city that those imprisoned there may be brought into the light. We are involved in a broad range of multi-faceted ministries. Workers will be placed according to their gifts and passions.

Ministry areas include:

Church Planting: We use a dual approach to church planting, both seeking to establish larger “hub” churches, and also seeking to start organic, house based, church planting movements.

Women and children’s ministries: Church-based Moms-N-Tots programs for pregnant women and mothers of young children; health consultation; visitation; pre-natal education; peer support training; parenting seminars, etc.

One-On-One Life Development: Relationships designed to walk an individual or family out of poverty and to a position of economic self-sufficiency. The goal is not to provide short-term relief, but to find long-term solutions.

ESL: Formal English courses and one-on-one conversation practice, seeking to both to increase English proficiency and take opportunities to proclaim the gospel.

Family Tea House & Men’s Tea House: A space of welcome, community, and active evangelism.

Home Visitation: The majority of our ministry does not take place in the programs listed above. Our vision is focused on seeing real transformation take place in the lives of those we serve.

This requires deep investment beyond the scope of any program or fellowship. The majority of our ministry time is focused on building into the lives of individuals and families to see them take steps forward into greater fullness of life.


Flexibility, teachable spirit, gifts of service/teaching/evangelism, self-motivated, mature in faith, ready to trust God

Placement Details

Start cycles:
Middle East
Reference number:

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