Teach English as a Second Language to children ranging from kindergarten through high school at a local school in Central Asia. You may also co-teach alongside local educators. Live out and share your faith among students and faculty from unreached peoples across Central Asia. Embed yourself as an ambassador for the Kingdom of God and an apprentice of Jesus Christ along with us.
As a part of the apprenticeship, you are required to learn either of the two primary languages of your host nation, which will equip you to broaden your social mobility and relational influence. You will join our team of highly educated professionals with combined decades of experience in academia, education, and development work in Central Asia. You’ll be guided and mentored in disciple making in a predominantly Muslim context.
This opportunity provides a blend of quality academic training in ESL, while receiving serious mentoring and training biblically and cross-culturally for a life of holistic, Kingdom-building service among the unreached. You’ll be guided in your personal and spiritual contribution, as well as developing professional contribution, growing in your knowledge, skills and character as part of our seasoned team who’ve made this region home for many years.
Responsibilities (may include some or all the following):
- Prepare classroom and course materials
- Assign homework and assessments
- Grade student assessments
- Research new methods for teaching English as a second language
- Create a supportive classroom environment
- Maintain records of student attendance and grades
- Inform parents about student progress
- Collaborate with educational staff to provide the best learning experience for students
- Demonstrates a desire to be a lifelong learner
- Ability to form relationships with others who are different from you
- Demonstrates leadership through service
- Ability to tell meaningful stories
- Flexibility and adaptability
- Ability to work on a team and independently
- Willingness to be a self-starter, think creatively, and solve problems
- A team mentality, relationship orientation, and a noble-hearted calling to serve
- A strong commitment to holistic outreach as an emerging professional
- A motivation to initiate and build redemptive relationships with locals
- Agree to 50% engagement in classroom teaching role and 50% engagement in language & culture study and other organizational assignments
- Bachelor’s degree – Elementary, Middle Level, or Secondary Education, English, Foreign/World Languages, Linguistics, TESOL or related field
- Teaching certification preferred
- Teaching experience preferred (teacher assistant, classroom teaching, peer tutoring), especially if no teaching certificate
- Excellent performance in previous academic endeavors
- Experience with classroom management
- Experience in 1 on 1 and/or small group settings is desirable but not required