Mexico City is the largest city in Latin America, and with that, there needs to be a safe space where those that are tired and weary can come for rest for their souls while running through life with 21.2 million other people around us. Accordingly, Mexico City is an important and strategic location for ministry outreach and church planting. It is also a city, which contains a clear mixture of prosperous and poorer neighborhoods. Community development projects are important in many of the poorer communities. Equipping these communities for life through faith is our mission.
We work with a massive community center which seeks to impact a community with clear needs. The center is open during the week and is a ministry designed to bridge the gap between the community and church. We are building relationships with the kids, youth, and adults who come and take the classes and at the same time offer quality classes where people can improve their skills and life opportunities or just escape from the house to enjoy learning something new. There are a wide variety of classes offered during the week (three courses offered each year varying from 10-12 weeks each course) such as English, computing, different craft classes, chess, sports and games, guitar, keyboard, math, tutoring, early stimulation, painting, reading and writing, ping pong, cooking, nail designs, beauty and hairdressing, and many others.
The Goer would be involved in providing English classes at first, and in building relationships with their mostly non-Christian students, whether it be children, youth or adults. As their Spanish abilities improve, they could also offer different classes depending on their skillset eg, if they knew aerobics, they could offer an aerobics class in the center. Also they would be involved in church activities, with the youth and involved in a small group. One of the big events we do as a church is the VBS during the summer, with normally 150-180 kids daily, so that also is an event where the goer can be involved in preparation and during the actual week of the VBS.
Goers will also live with a Mexican family, work with a local Mexican church, take Spanish classes, and grow in language, culture and ministry skills.
Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language helpful, but not required.
Computer skills and an ability to teach
Team player – Willingness to serve where needed is important.