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Caitlyn - Spain Updates

Class of 2019
Media Outreach to Closed Countries in Spain
Track: Media - Communications track
Region: Europe

My Letter to Future Goers

By on Track: Media - Communications Region: Europe

Hey future Goers!  Living overseas is no picnic. It's hard. It's uncomfortable to raise support. It's scary to trust in God in a way you've never done before. It's intimidating to move to a new city where you don't speak the language or know anyone. That may not be what you want to hear if you are considering going overseas, but let me encourage you that God will meet you in every insecurity and struggle. Living in Spain stretched me in so many ways I could not have expected and these past two years were a lot richer and better than I could have imagined.  As you… Read more >>

Remain in My Love

By on Track: Media - Communications Region: Europe

     Moving overseas is full of stress, unknowns, and uncomfortable situations. If I can be real for a minute, it’s hard. Somedays it feels like drinking from a fire hydrant. After having a conversation with some coworkers this morning, I walked away with this insight, “Anxiety is a deep fear that threatens your sense of self” (Tim Keller.) I always thought the opposite of love was hate, but it’s actually fear. Fear is self-centered, while love is self-giving. 1 John 4:18 says, "Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear" (NLT.) When I place my value in… Read more >>

Fear is a Liar

By on Track: Media - Communications Region: Europe

Fear is a powerful emotion. It can grip our hearts and minds and refuse to let go. There are so many things in this world we could fear, cancer, car crashes, pandemics, natural disasters, and the list could go on and on. But God doesn’t call us to hide in fear. One of the most repeated commands in the Bible is to “fear not” because God is bigger than any storms that come our way and is always by our side. The world was never safe before COVID-19 and it won’t be safe after. We can trust that in the midst of chaos that God is in control and NOTHING takes Him by surprise. Psalm 46: 1-2… Read more >>

Lessons from Disney World

By on Track: Media - Communications Region: Europe

As a former Disney Cast Member, I LOVE Disney! However, one thing I dislike about Disney World is the lines. I hate to wait. If I ever went to the parks by myself, you could see me with a book and some snacks in every line **true story**.  I don’t like waiting. Does anyone? We live in a culture where instant gratification is king and our attention spans are waning. What happens when we start expecting God to do things instantly or within our plan?  God is rarely early, but never late. Life can feel like fighting an uphill battle. No matter the amount of effort and time it takes… Read more >>

Just Fall

By on Track: Media - Communications Region: Europe

I was twenty-five feet off the ground, staring at my new-found friends, thinking “how did I get here?” I despise heights, so why did I decide to do a high ropes course, in the rain, where the only way down was to just fall? That’s what my belay (guide) told me. “Just fall. Trust me, I’ve got you.” I took a deep breathe. And fell**.  Have you ever done something that made you feel like you were jumping off a cliff? Quitting my job, raising support, leaving friends and family, and moving across the ocean to live in Spain makes me feel like I’m jumping off a cliff sometimes. It is with… Read more >>

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