A Season's Purpose
It was a late spring day. The kind where the breeze contains subtle whispers that foreshadow the coming of summer: a season that intrinsically holds the promise of freedom, opportunity, and endless possibilities. Ever since I was a child, summers constituted those few precious months each year that were ripe with the chance to cut loose, run barefoot through the sprinklers, and spend time with friends and family. As I got older, my summer experiences broadened from the backyard to the globe. I traveled to Scotland in 2013 followed by… Read more >>The Sender
When it comes to missions, there are many different roles involved (shout-out to all of the finance and administrative people that help make it all happen!). However, when you really step back from it all, missions can for the most part be boiled down into two main roles: the goer and the sender. Many of us are familiar with the goer. Some more well-known ones are the apostle Paul, William Carey, Hudson Taylor, Jim Elliot.... The list goes on. The goers are the ones who go to the mission field to engage with the ministry there.… Read more >>
Why Go?
If you had told me a couple of years ago that I would be moving to Africa for two years for full-time ministry work, I would've thought you were crazy. Missions work? Sure thing. Africa? Totally down. Ministry work? Heck yeah! For TWO YEARS? Ummmmm..... yeah, not so sure about that part. That idea of going for two years really challenged me. I had been a "goer" for several short-term trips, but never for something of this magnitude. Two years sounded extreme. The Lord began seriously working on me, chipping away at… Read more >>
A Change of Mindset, and Heart
When I first started searching for cross-cultural ministry job opportunities after graduating from college, I developed a knack for quickly finding the alarming and unwelcome phrase, "support raising required." It was often casually tucked underneath an average-looking heading among all of the other nitty-gritty details of the job being listed. As soon as those words, or any other phrase resembling them, came into view on my computer scene, my cursor would slowly slink to the the little red exit button in the corner. "Nope! Not for… Read more >>