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Abbie - Germany Updates

Class of 2017
Health Promotion in Germany
Track: Medical track
Region: Europe

My Letter to Future Goers

By on Track: Medical Region: Europe

If you are reading this, you might be trying to figure out what your next step is. Should I make the move? What will this mean for me in the future? The questions are endless. Trust me, I’ve been there. It’s hard, don’t get me wrong but if you decide to go, you are saying yes to an adventure with God you will never regret. This is a chance for you to see and experience God in an even greater way then you could ever imagine. If you let Him, God will take you on an adventure of discovery and of the revelation of who He is and who you are. I learned a new language, how to navigate a city, travel… Read more >>

Come With Me

Featured story By on Track: Medical Region: Europe

Hello Friends, For those of you who are already subscribed to my blog this post will mostly be geared to the seniors/recent grads but you can still read it of course. ;) I wanted to share with you guys a little bit about why you should say YES to going overseas. To do that, I will share a little bit of my story.  A long time ago my parents became missionaries. I was about four years old when we moved across an ocean to live in a whole new part of the world. Little did I know this was where God would truly mark the beginning of my story, because the moment God called my parents to… Read more >>

Abbie Update

By on Track: Medical Region: Europe

Hi friends, I’m gonna make this post short and sweet. I’m almost half way through of support raising. Woot! Not gonna lie, as each week goes by, I am getting more and more excited for my move to Germany.  Okay, if I’m really really really honest I wish I could move tomorrow. Never have I ever needed to rely more on God’s provision and never have I ever been more sure that He’s opened this door.  It’s pretty cool. It also hasn’t been easy, but when has God ever called us to something easy? We have to learn to “BE COMFORTABLE WITH THE UNCOMFORTABLE”. So basically you’re always in a… Read more >>

So it Begins

By on Track: Medical Region: Europe

Hey Friends, So glad you could stop by. I am super excited to share with you about this crazy new chapter in life God has brought me too. To start off it’s been kind of a whirlwind process but also a time of learned patience. Ever since I  lived in Eastern Europe as a missionary kid with my parents I felt God leading me into a life of overseas missions.  My sophomore year of high-school, however, is when God truly opened my eyes to a need that He would and still is preparing me to fill.  I read a book called Sold which was written from the perspective of a ten-year-old girl… Read more >>

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