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Chapter 8: Multiplication

Posted on Friday, April 27, 2018

The picture above is from the house of PR up in North. The evening that we had an all-night training/worship & PR.

The woman's brother (continuing from last month) has started a discovery group in his village. People are gathering and listening to stories and discussing them. Pray that Jala's brother will be strong in his new faith, and that God will spark a movement there. 

House of Prayer

A team from the city moved up North several months ago and among that team, one worker had a big desire to start a house of prayer there. My national partner and I had the opportunity to go up to encourage and give trainings about worship & prayer. The room was full of people the first night as we interceded for the country. We witnessed many locals hungry for the Spirit to breakthrough and move in their personal lives, families, and neighbors.

Sports Ministry

After prayer, we have decided to start a separate Sports Club just for girls. Currently, we have 4 expats and 2 locals believers who are leading. The vision is to give people access to the Word and to see obedient leaders that will multiply down to 2nd and 3rd generations. The first week, a total of 12 girls came and the atmosphere was full of fun and excitement! There aren’t many opportunities for female students to gather and play together due to cultural expectations and boundaries but it was very exciting to see them have fun. We planned on every other week, but all the girls wanted Sports Club to happen every week! Praise God and ask God to open their hearts as they begin to study the Word together.

Personal Encounter

This month, one of the most powerful encounters that I had was during a prayer slot at the House of PR. I had just finished a heavy week of playing music and really felt like I did not want to pick up an instrument for a while, but the day before, I volunteered to lead worship for a prayer slot. So, I get to the slot, pick up the guitar and play. By the time intercession part started, I felt this huge urge to pray out loud. However I did not know exactly what to pray or who to pray for. All I knew was that I needed to pray out loud until this burden came off of me. So I began to pray and get this heavy emotion on me. As I started to pray, I began to cry for the people group we were lifting up. It was then when it became clear to me that I needed to pray for that people group through God's heart and eyes. I can feel the burden becoming lighter the longer I prayed. After 45 minutes of intercession, I finally felt fully light. That evening, I was finishing this one book and came across a chapter that talked exactly about what I experienced that morning. It was talking about travailing during intercession and the importance of praying in the Spirit and staying sensitive to The Spirit. It was a powerful message from God that I experienced. When I reflected back to that moment, for the first time in my life, I felt my heart aching as I interceded for them. The words "Break my heart for what breaks yours" became so real to me and I finally understood those words.

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