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Lauren - Italy Updates

Class of 2015
Teacher of English as a Foreign Language in Italy
Track: Teaching track
Region: Europe
I love to listen, learn, explore, and discuss. I spend as much time outside as possible, because I love God's beautiful creativity and enjoy being active. Baking bread, drinking tea, and sharing stories are among my favorite pastimes. I love laughing and having fun, but I also enjoy great conversations about God and life!

My Letter to Future Goers

By on Track: Teaching Region: Europe

You are blessed. Prayers go before you, hope goes with you, love remains behind you. You are hedged in by more blessings than you understand. How many people have spoken truth and goodness into your life and ministry as you’ve begun this holy pilgrimage? How many intercessions and praises will be declared over you by the time you return? More than we know, praise God. Draw near to God, rejoice always, and be still. Good and bad times will come. As will both extraordinarily great and difficult ones. That’s true anywhere. Don’t forget that the same people who helped you through life in your… Read more >>

Seeking God

By on Track: Teaching Region: Europe

God has done so much. God went through extreme measures to be with us. After an excellent, honest conversation with an unbelieving friend, I was drawn to reflect upon just how much effort God invests in relationship. Not that it’s difficult or tiring for the Lord, but from my perspective it seems like a lot of work. After a long and varied conversation, my friend offered her timeworn conclusion. She lacks motivation and desire to pursue God with her whole heart. She wants to encounter Christ; she simply doesn’t want the effort of seeking Him. This confession transformed into a prayer. But as… Read more >>

The Beauty of Balance

By on Track: Teaching Region: Europe

Balance is universally desired. Consider people, nature, work environments, religions, relationships, or anything else. Creation favors equilibrium because that was God’s design from the very beginning. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." The light and the darkness. Day and night. Land and water. Plants and animals. Male and female. Things that are not the same, but exist in a beautifully mysterious symbiosis. This month, I’m reading Genesis in Italian with the fresh eyes of my English students. Reading the Bible in another language always reveals something new, but… Read more >>

Power to Pray

By on Track: Teaching Region: Europe

Today I’m writing about something I rarely share. I’m not opposed to talking about it, but I never discuss these things on a public platform because of potential misunderstanding. So here is your disclaimer: please don’t think anything I am about to say is communicated in pride. Humbly I come in hopes of both encouraging you and showing a bit of my private faith. Last month, my cell group began studying Matthew 5-7, known as the Sermon on the Mount. We began with the Beatitudes, reflecting upon something we’d like to see expanded in our lives and praying for God to bless it with growth. I… Read more >>


By on Track: Teaching Region: Europe

I love my church. I love the smiles of people who have become my family here. I love the varied and Christ-centered lessons every Sunday. I love the hugs of some of my closest friends in the world. I love the weekly studies, prayer meetings, and lunches. I love how much growth I’ve seen in everyone present, especially myself. I love the joy we’ve found in change. This month we relocated, and the difference in setting caused some concern in the congregation. But the atmosphere of a place comes from the people present more than from the space itself. We learned this lesson during our first… Read more >>

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