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Bekka - Southeast Asia Updates

Class of 2014
Language Center Intern in Southeast Asia
Track: Teaching track
Region: Asia - South East

Why Two Years?

Featured story By on Track: Teaching Region: Asia - South East

I chose GoCorps because God told me I needed to give 2 years. I assumed this was an arbitrary number chosen for my sake. It's not an incredibly long time, although it is not an overwhelmingly short time either. In my mind, two years was exactly long enough for me to get a decent taste, and from there I would decide if I wanted to go further and make a real difference. When I hit a rough spot in support raising my coach said "Don't give up, your team is waiting for you! They need you!" I was skeptical. It was not that I thought that God would not use me, I just assumed that two years just wasn… Read more >>

Interview with a Native Speaker

By on Track: Teaching Region: Asia - South East

I have been here 11 months and I have officially posted ONCE on the field. Whoops.  Right now all the universities in our city are expecting their English Major freshmen to hold interviews with native speakers. This is confusing homework, since native English speakers are not common in this area. Most people in this city will simply go their lives without meeting one. As you would expect, myself and my team members are suddenly in high demand. Last weekend a group of people showed up at my team leader's house for impromptu interviews. Normally these are incredibly awkward. These are… Read more >>

Welcome! Now get out.

By on Track: Teaching Region: Asia - South East

And on the sixth day, I was robbed.  I don't start like that to make you feel sorry for me, I just don't think a preamble is necessary. I had been in my chosen city for 6 days...and I was robbed on public transportation. This story is not big news, or even surprising news. During the 2012 Olympics in London 1,700 people were pickpocketed a day. 33% of travel insurance claims are made for lost or stolen possessions. Every day 400,000 people are pickpocketed around the world. The fact that my wallet and phone were stolen out in broad daylight is not fascinating, if anything it's just… Read more >>

Holding my Breath

By on Track: Teaching Region: Asia - South East

I love roller coasters. I hate waiting in line. Novel concept, right? Nobody has ever said/thought that before... But it's true. I hate it. In Sandusky, Ohio there is a roller coaster called the Top Thrill Dragster. I remember when that thing debuted people were raving. My cousin told me she one time waited over two hours in line to ride in the front seat, and when she got off there were bugs splattered on her face like the windshield of a car. I watched simulations, live videos of rides, and stalked the website of the park until finally my family decided to go. We had just been to… Read more >>

Why now?

By on Track: Teaching Region: Asia - South East

During this process of raising funds, people ask me a lot of questions. The ask questions about my work, about my prospective country, and about my call. But there is one question that is harder to explain. And really, it’s the question I’ve been fielding longest, especially from the people closest to me and love me dearly. . “I understand why you want to do this, but why do you choose to do this now?” It definitely is a valid question. Let’s take stock of my life: I am a single, white female. I am young and consequently naive. I’m not in amazing shape. I just graduated from college… Read more >>

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