4 Things NOT To Do As You Return From Your Short-term Trip
Short-term ministry trips can be exciting, educational, challenging, and stressful all in one! You have learned so much and expanded your thinking and heart for the world. You have learned new cultures but also new things about yourself. What a great privilege to engage cross-culturally!
Now you’re home and ready to start a new semester. You’ve changed. Your surroundings and friends and family have pretty much stayed the same. Now what? Here are 4 things to be sure NOT to do as you start back into your routine:
- Don’t forget what God just taught you. The best way to not forget is to keep using what you learned. Share it with others. Is there a project or prayer list that you can continue for those you met? How can you serve the missionaries you met while you’re here in college? Who can you include in that process?
- Don’t limit yourself to this short experience. Look around and see who God has brought to your campus. Likely, there are students and perhaps even professors who are from the country you just visited. Engage with them and learn from them. Invite them to fun and friendship. Perhaps you play pickleball or are going on a hike. Maybe they’d like to join a Bible discussion or Christian fellowship.
- Don’t overlook that you will have some reverse culture shock. You may be alone in your experience and not feel as comfortable with things that used to be normal for you and your friends. You will need time to readjust to your home culture. Is there anyone else you can talk to about this? If not, reach out to us and we’d love to help you process through reverse culture shock. Our coaching team is full of people who have been through it themselves and you can sign up to talk to one of them here.
- Don’t quit learning. What surprised you or how did you feel unready? Learn about culture, religion, customs, and even how to deal with culture shock. Develop friendships with others of like mind and heart. If you’d like to keep learning you can start with some of our articles like What I Wish I Knew Before Moving Overseas or The 5 Roles of a Goer. Or download our free eBook about how to Tithe Your Career.
Perhaps this is the beginning of years of cross-cultural ministry………here with international students, back there for another short-term involvement, or maybe God is calling you to a life spent in service to others. Continue to pray for God to lead you and invite people around you to join you in praying for discernment. There is nothing more joyous and exciting than sharing the love of Christ with those who’ve never heard!