3.14 billion people are "unreached" by the gospel
65% of the world live in religiously restricted areas
1.45 billion people in the world live in poverty
Values and Beliefs
A person’s global zip code is the single biggest determining factor whether they will ever actually have a chance to know the good news of Jesus Christ.
Missions in the next 30 years is going to look a lot different from the last 100 years. The people with the greatest need and least access to the gospel live in places where it’s impossible to get a missionary visa. Today, Christians with marketplace skill sets have the most opportunity to make a difference.
In general, the impact of short-term missions is short term and one-sided, and it doesn’t touch the hardest to reach. In most cases, a short-term trip isn’t enough to instill a change in worldview and habits. Our culture is simply too strong and pervasive.
Investing two years is long enough to learn a language, develop relationships, and contribute in a meaningful way to longer term projects. Yet, it’s short enough where almost anyone can serve for that length of time no matter their long-term career plans.
Recent college grads are the most available and most equipped to make impact globally. Yet most collegiate ministries invest less than one percent of their time and resources in helping students transition well from the campus to living missionally in the first few years of their career. For seniors who are entering these first uncharted years of their life, they are largely left to figure it out on their own.
Comfort is the American church's blindspot as we have subtly conformed to our culture’s value of comfort and security to the extent that the choices and decisions of how to invest our lives often eliminates following Christ’s example of incarnational ministry among those with the greatest need.
Church planting without meeting felt physical and social needs is usually ineffective. Christian service without the gospel lacks power and is immensely short-sighted in light of eternity.
We put the calling and will of God first, and trust God for his provision as we obey and follow him in faith wherever he leads.